🇺🇸 Everycars.co : a tool to help you select your next classic car project 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 Everycars.co : a tool to help you select your next classic car project 🇺🇸


0 min read

Hey there,

Since last November 2018, I’m exploring the world of collection cars because I have the sensation that this area is not as digitized as it should be, and most of the user experiences on websites related to collection cars have not been updated since 1990.

That’s why I’ve created everycars.co in order to group classic cars fans all around :

  • Information on each classic car model produced on earth,
  • Indicators to help the selection of a new classic car project : price, scarcity, quotation…
  • A digital place to showcase the work you’ve done on your classic car projet,
  • A community to interact and share best practices on projects or specific car models.

What are my actual needs on this project :

  • Feedbacks you could share with me on the wording (I’m French), the given (or not given) explanations of the project, the pitch of the actual state of the prototype you will find at everycars.co
  • Feedbacks on the general User Experience (UX) or User Interface (UI) : I didn’t worked that much on it from now to be full dedicated on dev, but who knows: I may have done some horrifying visual non-sense easy to correct ?
  • Maybe some forgiving first users: a maximum of 5 people, to signin and give me some usability feedbacks ?

Business model : From now, I’ve not monetized anything, but I think it could be feasible. I’m focused first on a proof of the value inside this concept, by providing a true valuable answer to my first users. Then, I’ve been thinking about generating revenue:

  • B2C – a monthly/yearly/one life time subscription,
  • B2C – some adverts for car sellers,
  • B2B – a make showcase, done by the make, to promote their classic car History,
  • B2C – a shared investment on a car project between several user of the platform,

The target :

  • I’ve been so surprised to find a lot of subreddits with a LOT of people sharing the same passion on classic cars,
  • I also have this feeling that : each time we see a classic car in town, everybody is having this “Wahooo” moment,
  • I have imagined several time working on a classic car project in my own garage: but I don’t have any garage, as I don’t have any driving license 😂😂